Can I make repeat visits to the same office?

When to make repeat visits to an office, when not to, and a strategy to increase your average earnings

Depending on the partner you are promoting, you may be able to make revisits to an office.

There is lots of data that shows most sales journeys have more than one touchpoint (aka one visit), but sometimes an office just won't be a good fit for repeat visits. Let's break down how to tell if an office is available for revisit, when you should be revisiting, and when it might be best to drop it from your route.

First some logistics. After you complete an office visit, that location will disappear from your map in the Pangea Health app for a set amount of time (usually 7 to 30 days). If that office reappears, you are free to complete a repeat sales visit. Once a provider follow-up is successfully scheduled and completed, that office will disappear from that partner's map indefinitely since a connection was made. 

What if I'm not seeing any offices reappearing in the app?

The reason for this is likely because the partner you are promoting does not allow revisits to unqualified offices or does not allow revisits at all. While some partners on the app allow revisits until the office directly communicates disinterest, some do not. Several partners on the app only allow revisits for offices they've deemed qualified and high-priority. If you are not seeing an office reappear 7-30 days after you visited it, it's likely because this office is not eligible for a repeat visit based on the partner's pre-set criteria. If your partner is selective about revisits and you do see an office reappear on your map, you are highly encouraged to revisit it, as it will be a higher-performing lead that is much more likely to convert down the line, potentially earning you additional commission.  

When should you make repeat visits to an office?

Sales research shows that, on average, there are 8 touch points required to get an initial meeting or a conversion with a new prospect.

If an office expressed interest to you but you haven't able to schedule a meeting with them, then keep making visits! You'll be able to revisit the office weekly until you determine they aren't a good fit or they schedule that call.

If you feel an office visit you made could have gone better, plan a repeat visit accordingly. If you went in the morning and no one had time to speak with you, try again the following week in the afternoon. If the office staff seemed confused about the product, lead with a different pitch next time to see if you can communicate the value another way. Unless the office said that they felt the product was a poor fit for their patients or they did not meet the targeting criteria set by the product (more on that below), they will likely benefit from a repeat visit from you.

When should you stop visiting an office when there is no limit to repeat visits?

If you visit an office and the data in our platform concerning its speciality was incorrect and it actually falls outside the targeting criteria for the partner you're promoting, you should not revisit that office. For example, if you visit what is showing in-app as a pediatric primary care office and upon your arrival you discover the practice is a pediatric oncology office, please reach out to to let us know so we can reclassify that location.

If you visit an office and the staff communicates that their office policy does not allow for interactions with sales representatives, that location is not going to allow you to collect lead information that could convert to a meeting - making it a poor candidate for repeat visits. 

If an office you visit listens to your pitch and lets you know that they are a poor fit for the product you are promoting, note that down in the survey and Pangea Health will remove access to that office as they are also unlikely to convert to a meeting. 

Increasing Earnings

A strong strategy concerning repeat visits is to prioritize office's that you feel have a higher likelihood of providing you with lead information and more potential interest in the partner you are promoting. Concentrating your efforts within offices more likely to convert to a meeting will increase your average earnings and improve your sales performance statistics, a win-win all around! If your partner only allows high-priority revisits, than following up on these selected offices will likely result in a higher conversion rate, leading to more down-funnel conversion and higher commission.